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    1. R

      Shipyard won't Ship. Yarrrrr!!!!!

      Same thing happens to me. But with any design as far as I can tell: build, logout, it's gone! At one point I built two identical vessels, worked fine, flew around in my fleet for 30 min just to have them disappear when they got left behind the fleet. Their names remained in the fleet list for...
    2. R

      Why Hunt pirates?

      Tell me about it. I got one (1) Teal Standard Armor... But now I know how it works :)
    3. R

      A Manifesto on the Relationship Between Fighters, Titans and AI

      Haven't read all replies, so sorry if I just rehash old ideas: I think crew members that skill up would create an interesting relationship between large ships vs drones/small fighters on several levels. And it helps solving assumption 3's challenge. Lets say a crew member functions lika a AI...
    4. R

      Why Hunt pirates?

      I'm not sure the ships I've killed have been large enough to have any storage aboard, so I'll check that out tonight. Thanks!
    5. R

      Why Hunt pirates?

      New player here, loving the game so far. A question about pirates: why kill them beside to protect yourself? I've read about loot clouds but never seen any. Do they still exist? //Your friendly space rat