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    1. D

      Sword of the Stars 2 Morrigi Cruiser 1.0

      This is a Morrigi Cruiser from Sword of the Stars 2 (SotS 2). I built it to scale(I think) with some small changes to make it work in Starmade. Blocks: 34,603 Mass: 5151.3 Dimensions: Length: 139 meters Width: 107 meters Height: 32 meters Power: 310,420 e/s Shields: 1,017,000 HP Net Shield...
    2. D

      Bobby AI and the current system

      Thank you very much
    3. D

      Bobby AI and the current system

      I am confused about bobby AI in the current build of starmade 1. If a ship is in a fleet, do its turrets still require bobby AIs to function? 2. How do you ensure bobby ai stays active when you mess with its settings?