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    1. Col_Kurtz


    2. Col_Kurtz

      Simple Logic Questions (SOLVED)

      So I looked around but I've had no joy in figuring out my issue. For my missile doors I have a "In Ship Control" so you can trigger them from the hotbar. The problem is that the "In Ship Control" is not a button but a toggle. In order to close my doors and open them I have to double click. I...
    3. Col_Kurtz

      Quick question about turrets

      Right we are then! So I'm working on a semi-large deck gun but it moves slow as all get out..... How can I fix this?
    4. Col_Kurtz

      Kaiserliche Marinewerften: First 300m Ship, (WIP) Deus Ex Krieg

      Welcome to the Kaiserliche Marinewerften. (KM) Note: There will be a heavy use of the German Eagle and Balkenkreuz. This is not to be confused with anything Nazi in nature. Because this is the internet, I feel obligated to clarify this mater. Enjoy! Ships Shuttle: ~ (KM)...