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    1. DocTachyon

      Stuck at 'Connecting to Universe' on local play

      Okay, thank you very much.
    2. DocTachyon

      Stuck at 'Connecting to Universe' on local play

      Nope, neither of those worked.
    3. DocTachyon

      Stuck at 'Connecting to Universe' on local play

      Crap, you're right, I uploaded the wrong log. Here's the right one.
    4. DocTachyon

      Stuck at 'Connecting to Universe' on local play

      Whenever I attempt to play locally, the game will eternally stay at the 'Connecting to Universe...' loading screen. This happens regardless of the world, even if I make a new one. I initially experienced this issue launching from Steam. I moved Starmade into my C:/ directory, and that didn't...