Search results

    1. F

      Micro Vehicle Production

      Shameless plug
    2. F

      Move Turret Axis from Advanced Factory to Standard

      I really wish that the three factories would get merged.
    3. F

      Ideas for improving navigation and performance of the current site

      You know how the main site has two bars with tabs to navigate the site? My idea is to move everything from the top bar to the bottom bar in order to shrink and streamline navigation. Like this. Please let me know if that doesn't help you understand. The only real...
    4. F

      Ideas for improving navigation and performance of the current site

      This suggstion regards the current site and its hellacious navigation. In this post I will attempt to remedy at least most of the issues. This needs to go. The entire thing. Here's what to do with the contents: You can replace the homepage of the community tab with...
    5. F

      Planet changes

      Plexstorage exists. Its possible to fit dozens or even hundreds of plexstorage on a ship with another purpose by retrofitting, and since you can rig salvage beams to output into plexstorage, it becomes a non-issue that simply forces you to dedicate areas of your miner to cargo storage, which is...
    6. F

      Planet changes

      One dicussion in chat happened. Bottom line is that players need ores. The current sources of ores are rapidly depleted. Planets are essentially huge, useless hunks of rock to be eaten by salvage ships to make another 20 sheild rechargers. Asteroids are smaller planets used to make 5 sheild...