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    1. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Hey, I'm alive, it just so happen that life... happen. I was fairly unsatisfied with the front of the ship so i took a pause and other stuff happened. But I think I might try to hop back on in the following week. As for the turret I am happy someone find them ingenious. I will try to make a...
    2. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Worked a bit on the interior hangar, i'm fairly satisfied. I'm probably going to work on making missiles turret on the bottow ridge now.
    3. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Well I did the tip, but I dont really like it. Im still brainstorming for an idea. Lots of work done on detailing and making the ship functional. Now it generate 1.1 million e/s and has a storage of 3 million. I also put truster in. I also made a part of the inside dock. Thinking about it...
    4. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Front part progress, also some backdetailing but I forgot to take a screenshot. I'm fairly satisfied with what I made right now, But it is always so hard to make the actual front. I can prolong the ship to infinity, but I never know how to make the tip.
    5. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Posting work in progress screenshot really help me keep going, its the first time I do it but I like it. So I worked on the back part and the main turret, I'm not fully satisfied yet. I like a lot the effect on the "jump reactor" exaust port, but the round shape of the backend annoy me...
    6. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Thank you very much, though its only my first ship with the new starmade, i've played minecraft for a long time, space engineer and even the old starmade like 2 years back. As for your suggestion, It would be nice, but I wanted to do I kind of ww2 battleship look, so outside turret seemed nice...
    7. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Thats genius, can't believe I didn't think of this before. Is there an easy way to destroy the rack after? Because I always have to hop in and manualy deconstruct everything. On an other subject, how much power/shield/trust should this ship have? I know Its only part of a whole ship but I would...
    8. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Here's an update! I have made a small elevator in the middle of the ship, its not finished (shaft is an open hole when the elevator is not there) but i like it. I started puting point defense turret on the ship, It is very long to do. Do anyone have a trick for puting new turret? What i do is...
    9. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Ok, here's a better update than the last one. Almost Every turret have been installed. I am satisfied by the decoration on the side too now. I started the small bridge and the rp section that will be in the top ridge of the ship. I dont want to take too much space because as of now there is 0...
    10. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Hello, here's an update on the project. Diagonaly placed turret leaves a lot more space on the side if you try to make a more "round" shape for your ship. So I have been trying a bit to make the outside interesting. I'm planing to put pd turret in the space between the turret ridge and the...
    11. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Here is a more detailed view of what I call the "diagonal turret" I was sharing that because it is my current project and because I have seen very few ship that tried the configuration for turrets. I also wanted some advice and critics on how the ship was looking and what could be improved.
    12. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Well they are connected to the main ship on the diagonal, at 45 degree from the flat surface. This is unusual no? most turret are put on a flat face.
    13. L

      First ship and diagonal turret

      Hello, it's my first post in the forum. I have been going back to starmade lately and I wanted to share screenshot of my first real ship with the latest patch and a project of mine. The ship is small but i like it, I used it to figure out a style that I liked for the next project: The...