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    1. Q

      Noob Admin needs help

      Maybe I am an idiot but I hit the reset universe button and nothing happens?
    2. Q

      Noob Admin needs help

      I checked that setting and it is true. I tried to save a coere and it still says Cannot save blueprint out of slots 0/0 So should I just reset the universe?
    3. Q

      Noob Admin needs help

      I checked my cfg file and it says CATALOG_SLOTS_PER_PLAYER = -1 //How many slots per player for saved ships (-1 for unlimited) So that seems right. When I open the tools setting I can see the ships under ship catalog mananger but ingame I cannot access them. It is still telling me I have zero...
    4. Q

      Noob Admin needs help

      Thanks War Dog!
    5. Q

      Noob Admin needs help

      Just got a small server for a few of us to play on but I am clueless how to run it. I cannot seem to save ships as there are 0/0 slots available nor can I spawn in ships such as pirates. Do I have to create a pirate faction? I have been all over the place and seen nothing but the one shop at...
    6. Q

      Greetings and looking for a server

      I have been playing StarMade for a few weeks and I think the game has lots of potential. I would like to get on a pvp server that is open to new factions. I have a small group of friends who will be joining me, all experienced gamers. We look forward to getting to know you ingame. See You Out...