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    1. A

      AI revamp

      Pretty basic suggestion, two points. First, I'm sure I'm not the only one annoyed with the fact that AI will not target turrets. So that should be a thing. Second, if the AI would prioritize targeting based on relative mass. So, for instance, fighter craft will attack turrets before attacking...
    2. A

      Solaris Combine Shipwerks

      Welcome to the home of the Solaris Combine Shipwerks, servicing the needs of the Solaris Combine and its posthuman overlords! If you're here, you're either looking to buy our fine merchandise, which you rightly should desire, or we've 'accidentally' converted your solar system into a dyson...
    3. A

      Missiles firing incorrectly

      While working on a larger ship (around 250m and 70,000 blocks or something), I noticed the D1000s were firing incorrectly. Mounted towards the front of the ship, they were firing almost straight backwards. I tried mounting cockpits in different facings around the ship, and found that the...