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    1. Z

      Cannot get the server to use more than 1GB of memory.

      Hey guys, I am running a dedicated server (starting by running the batch file), building a project for a server event we have planned. The problem is that the server is running out of memory. It refuses to use more than 1,035,520KB (the memory info in the upper left) and garbage collection isn't...
    2. Z

      How does starmade utilize GPU and CPU resources?

      I noticed that while playing when around extremely large objects my FPS will drop and will randomly freeze up, while my GPU hovers at 3-6% utilization, while my CPU goed between 25-50% Can someone shed some light on how starmade utilized these resources, and if possible how to force it (I...
    3. Z

      Turrets not firing at selected targets, set to any they track but do not fire.

      As the title says. Turrets have not fired at selected targets for a while now, as well as a random big where they will track targets but not fire at them. Relogging, activating/deactivating the turret does not solve the problems.