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    1. M

      AI Infinite Death Spiral

      So, I've noticed a glitch in the AI. During AI fights, friendly AI ships will attack Pirates, and the pirates will move to the side and back. The frriendly ship follows to try and keep a weapons lock, but will always miss the pirate. The ships then float endlessly off into the infinite void...
    2. M

      Game Freezes/Crashes when using advanced build mode

      Every time I hit [Ctrl] when in build mode to use the advanced build mode in my sandbox game, the entire game freezes up, and the only way to get out is [ctrl]+[alt]+[del] -> start task menu. nothing else works. I get an intel error that pops up under the main window, but that is not the issue...
    3. M

      Pirates teleport out of line of fire whenever targeting reticule touches them

      I just spent 45 minutes in a dofight against a tiny pirate ship in a massive gunboat that should have torn the pirate apart in a few minutes. However, every time I moved the targeting reticule over the pirate ship it would conveniently jump or teleport out of the way instantly, making it...