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    1. Z

      PROBLEM SOLVED BindException Error

      The computer monitoring software that keeps track of the time kids spend on a computer was causing the problem. I unistalled the program and can now run single player games.
    2. Z

      PROBLEM SOLVED BindException Error

      Is there a way to change the IP address Star-Made looks for when it creates a localhost. Maybe it\'s looking for the wrong IP. I would really like to get my single player game going since everytime I return to an mp game my ship is stolen or gone. :(
    3. Z

      PROBLEM SOLVED BindException Error

      I added a StarMade exception in and out for the firewall, but still get the same error. Is there anything else in the program that runs that I would need to make an exception for?
    4. Z

      PROBLEM SOLVED BindException Error

      I have seen a few post about this, but no answers. I thought I would try and bounce this one out to see if any solution has been found. I have been trying to run a single player sandbox game and continually get the "BindException: Cannot assign requested address: cannot bind error" when I go to...
    5. Z

      BindException: cannot assign requested address: connect

      I have the same problem.