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    1. S

      Battlestar Galactica

      Update Pictures in the first post Finished the hangers, aside from a few minor details that I\'ll add after the hull is completely done. Extended the core hull down to where it should be in reguards to the hangers position. Need to finish the Engines, the underside of the ship, and add small...
    2. S

      Battlestar Galactica

      I don\'t remember the demensions I used off the top of my head. I\'ll look around and see if I can find the paper I wrote them down on. I guess I could also count the blocks in Starmade, idk. I\'ll get back to you on that. I do plan on having the Viper Tubes, but they will probably be more for...
    3. S

      Battlestar Galactica

      Well, not a lot of them. about 4 or so including your\'s. The others I saw arn\'t quite at the scale you or I are doing though, so that\'s nice. I remade the front about 5 times I think, before I finally got it to look how I wanted. It certainly was difficult. I like the design you have on...
    4. S

      Battlestar Galactica

      UPDATE 1 Some small progress, much slower than I had planned, but I keep getting distracted. Current Stats: Length: 328m (will be longer) Width: 193m Height: 67m Power: N/A Thrust: N/A Shields: N/A Weapons: N/A Original Post I've been reading around and sadly noticed quite a few...