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    1. S

      More NPC Factions

      I'm sure this is already a planned feature, but having random NPC factions would be nifty. Especially if they were localized to a region/solar system and had interactions with eachother (a is hostile to b, but is allied with c and has neutral relations with player) and also reacted to player...
    2. S

      Large objects in planet gravity

      I'd posted previously about how large ships in gravity causes major performance decrease and an increase in physics calculations. It is my understanding that what may be happening is that the cumulative gravitational force effected on all of the ships blocks exceeds the maximum force that...
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      Hidden Cursor Causes Pickup During Build Mode

      In build mode the cursor is hidden but can still pick up items causing dialog boxes to pop up while clicking to place blocks. It's annoying as all hell (and probably a bug that should be fixed).
    4. S

      Physics Calculations Cause 120FPS->3FPS Lag Near Planets

      This seems to be a major issue near planets if a large ship is caught within the gravity or a structure is nearby. Framerate will drop down to about 1-3FPS making the game unplayable until the ship is either removed from the gravity or the player is far enough away that gravity calculations...
    5. S

      Trash Can

      The ability to incinerate items from your inventory would be great... it's hard to drop items without picking them back up again.
    6. S

      Destroyed station will not go away

      I have a station on my MP server that I manually removed the blocks for, but on each reload of the server it comes back. Has anyone else experienced this issue? It also allows me to create multiple stations.
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      Tech Beams AOE/Pierce

      Presently, if a ship gets damaged... tech beams are fairly cumbersome to use to repair. Nevermind that with most weapon systems, there won't be much left to repair. Having tech beams cause an area of effect repair would work wonders in the utility of the system, or convert it to a "repair...
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      Armor Health Improvement

      A problem I've run into is that the weapon's firepower tends to far exceed the protection offered by armor. I think it is unreasonable that once my shields go down a single missile will wipe out my entire ship that has been layered and layered in hardened armor. Presently normal hull gives 100hp...
    9. S

      Target Reticles

      Change behavior of target reticles to encompass the entire ship and not the core itself. It makes it far too easy to identify the location of a ships core and once shields are down, no amount of armor will protect it from the barrage of lasers that will be aimed directly at it. Another benefit...