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    1. L

      Eve Online Nyx Supercarrier

      Alright everyone I got around to starting work on the interrior today and I have 11 new screenshots for you. Let me know what you all think so far. Still a WIP so everything is subject to change but I am pretty happy with how it is turning out so far...
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      Eve Online Nyx Supercarrier

      Ya, a 1:1 model would be cool indeed to complete but there are some big problems with that: 1. It wouldn\'t be flyable 2. It would take ages to walk through 3. You couldn\'t even see the whole ship because the draw distance can\'t go high enough lol Glad you guys seem to like it. Currently I...
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      Eve Online Nyx Supercarrier

      I know it\'s a little rough in places but like I said I am not done with it. For example most of the wedging to smooth out the exterior still needs done. As far as the detail though I chose the scale of the ship to be like it is because it is the lowest resolution that the shape and detail of...
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      Eve Online Nyx Supercarrier

      I might provide a download for it after I get it a little closer to complete. Still a fair amount of work on the exterior to do plus the interior is almost untouched so far lol.
    5. L

      Eve Online Nyx Supercarrier

      This is my tribute to the Nyx Supercarrier from Eve Online. It is very much still a work in progress but I thought it was at least far enough along at this point to see what you all thought of it?