Search results

    1. Ethgar

      Server providers

      hey, Just wondering who is going with what when it comes to Server providers for Star-made. I've looked at a few and didn't care for the reviews. I see jestservers has decent reviews and some nice features. Any others you'd recommend checking into?
    2. Ethgar

      Substituting pirate ships??

      Hello, I have been seeing that some people have been able to substitute the standard pirate ships, with ship designs of their own. How is this being done?? I know you have to change the true/false of the use uploaded plans to false to prevent the server from using them as spawns, but I'm...
    3. Ethgar

      Star Wars Fighters *B-wing added*

      I will update this as the projects are finished, but starting out with fighters, and soon making my way to the larger cruisers, frigates, etc........... Y-Wing: A-Wing: Tie Fighter...
    4. Ethgar

      Corellian Corvette

      This is the first major ship project I have designed. There is a plex door near the back engine on the side, where you can walk into it, and follow a hall way that branches off and goes into the side wings, and then up to the cockpit area where the weapon systems are. I'm still trying to get...
    5. Ethgar

      AI autoturrets on a starship

      I am having issues with my turret systems on my ship above. I have each turret seperate with a UI unit on each placed next to the core of each turret. They are activated when I start to travel, and when I come across a pirate or two, the turrets will not engage, unless I get out and manually...