Search results

    1. V

      SpaceCube-mature and chill people wanted-no kids being retarded -_--server now dead. . .

      Heard that the server went up already. Am I (IGN same as forum name, \"Vandingel\") approved/declined for whitelist? I tried connecting just now and got an errormessage.
    2. V

      a better navigation system

      This doesnt work for me, it merely freezes my camera position in space but nothing else. Was this ment as a suggestion or?
    3. V

      SpaceCube-mature and chill people wanted-no kids being retarded -_--server now dead. . .

      I\'d be up for some laid back exploring and piratefights. Where do I sign up? :)
    4. V

      a better navigation system

      I also agree with what the people above says regarding adding final destination markers. In addition I\'d like to suggest a sorting function to the \"N\"-navigation menu. Possibly being able to sort by distance and/or what kind the thing is (shop, ship, asteroids etc). ALSO, after having...