Search results

    1. P

      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      Character Name: ploxorizer Age: 21 Personality: Friendly, mostly peaceful and resourceful. Bio: I grew up in a little colony on a dessert planet far away from others. When i got older, my family died in an attack excecuted by the Eternia military seeking minerals. I got forced out of my own...
    2. P

      Augmented Reality Gaming [Whitelist] | [Dedicated Server] | 50 Players | 24/7 | NEW IP

      IGN (In-Game Name): ploxorizer Why should we whitelist you on our Server?: I would like to join up with my friends to have an epic space adventure! Do you understand that breaking any above rules can warrant a ban?: Yes i understand. Do you understand that you have right to appeal any ban?: Yes.