Search results

    1. The Clown

      Carcassed Reaper

      Each turrent contains 70 antimatter cannons, 6 turrets leaves 420 cannons on the turrets. I cannot calculate the amount of cannons on the ship but the damage output is fairly large, it\'s definitely something I am looking to improve on though, I\'m planning on extending the back of the ship...
    2. The Clown

      Carcassed Reaper

      Dedicated most of my day to making this, still quite far from finished, I plan on making a "B" version, Pushing the ship to it's limits I'll cram in more Thrusters,Shielding, Power, 2 Large Antimator cannons and a Barrage of SD BB missiles to make sure this beast performs in battle. My first...
    3. The Clown

      How do you build ships based off pictures?

      Good luck creating a full scale model of that..
    4. The Clown


      Quote Dendrake: \"I laugh at the Terran Empire. I mean really, you are pretty much just one guy going around trying to make allies or enemies when really there is nothing going for or against you. Anyways, if you want to consider being allies FTL you can check Evolution out here...
    5. The Clown

      The LEGIT Faction

      If it was any more legit, it would be... legitimate.
    6. The Clown

      The LEGIT Faction

      "it seems legit because it is LEGIT." If you are LEGIT then you belong here, your new job is to bring legitness to this website, everywhere you go you must declare that you are legit, your legit presence immediately gives you the power to make anyone or anything seem or be legit, USE IT WISELY...
    7. The Clown

      SKIN LAYOUT - for public use.

      If any admins come across this thread I\'d appreciate it if it could be moved to \"announcements\". thanks in advance, -TheClown
    8. The Clown

      Advanced Building Tutorial.

      I\'m doin ma thang. on a serious note, the tutorial was helpfull, you could chuck the videos into a playlist on youtube aswell, just for ease of use and these tutorials deserve more recognition. Thankyo, -TheClown -------------------------------------------------------------------- Just got...
    9. The Clown

      SKIN LAYOUT - for public use.

      Thanks for giving me the .PSD file to make ammendments I\'ve credited you in the post and left the link to your .PSD so people can see it in the OP. Many thanks, -TheClown
    10. The Clown

      SKIN LAYOUT - for public use.

      The .psd would help if you could provide a download so I could check it out, meanwhile I\'ll make the ammendments you\'ve given me, don\'t worry about it sounding harsh it\'s fine honestly, I asked for corrections and thats what ya gave me, thanks mate.
    11. The Clown

      OPENGL 2.1

      If your drivers are updated for your card then you\'re out of luck, you\'ll either have to get a graphics card (if you\'re on pc) or buy a new laptop.
    12. The Clown

      Combat Space Suit

      These are actually a great idea, they\'re a decent size, they\'ll fit in almost any ship and they\'re easy to customize/ look badass. Visioning this as a way to mine effectively in a sort of battlemech structure, salvage cannons on either side and you could use one of these to go mining on a...
    13. The Clown

      Started a Starmade Let's Play

      Reading the op and thinking \"...logic\". On a serious note I gave the video a watch mate and I\'d say I\'m impressed with your commentating and I\'ll stick around to see what content you produce in future, good luck!
    14. The Clown


      Starmade+SteamGreenlight->EarlyAccess+Price$3=PROFIT. I can't capitalize the P enough on profit really, if this hits steam at a starting price of $3 you'll be able to bath in money, now I'm guessing you're taking the smart option with this, by right your game should be on steam soon, waiting...
    15. The Clown

      XR-C 100 invisible attack boat

      \"ok... After I started to add plating the cloak stopped working, it can either be cloaked or hidden from radar :/\" Save 2 versions? People can decide that way which they would prefer, just a suggestion, hope the builds go well mate, good luck!
    16. The Clown

      SKIN LAYOUT - for public use.

      No problem at all I\'m running on a laptop with 2gb of ram so photoshop is acting up and I\'ve nearly lost my progress countless times :S, seeing as you can test to see if the layout works, once you\'ve finished any skins you make if there is anything out of place due to the layout I\'ve...
    17. The Clown

      SKIN LAYOUT - for public use.

      Edited instructions and an instructional video from SwissAperture on Youtube into the op on finding and changing a skin.
    18. The Clown

      TheClown's Skins, Hud and other textures

      I\'ve updated the topic with the layout of how skins work so you guys can make your own and Thanks I\'ll try to make as many as possible as long as I\'m still enjoying designing them.
    19. The Clown

      SKIN LAYOUT - for public use.

      Latest Version of the Skin layout, Credit to Sinju for supplying the .PSD to Fix the layout, you can find his .PSD here: I highly suggest using that .PSD if you wish to make a skin and you have access to Photoshop, if not you can...
    20. The Clown

      USS-Enterprise full scale

      The fact that most people have just jumped on this topic to flame this guy about how it isn\'t \"full size\", he still did a bloody great job on the build and it would\'ve taking quite a bit of time to construct so give him some props instead of putting the build down.