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    1. P

      Site: Chat Userlist

      I'm not sure that this is the correct place for this suggestion, as it's a suggestion for the site instead of the game... however, I didn't see a site suggestion area. Pretty simple and straight-forward... I understand why the chat userlist slides up. To let you know it's there and operational...
    2. P

      Lights Out

      I've just started lighting my hollow ship (Which managed to get extremely dark) and I'm finding I'd like the ability to turn the lights off sometimes. I understand that this is a purely cosmetic preference - or a way to go completely dark and therefore have a better chance of 'hiding' from...
    3. P


      Ahead of time, apologies if this has already been requested, or if it already exists and I just haven't gotten to that point yet... but, I'm in the process of building my first ship. My first ship is intended to be a rather large one; currently in the process of salvaging a bunch of asteroids...