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    1. M

      Server scripts

      I see it as a bug if it causes undocumented/unintended behaviour, whether or not it\'s caused by a bug in another software. I don\'t think netcat documents consistent status output as a feature so it isn\'t really a netcat bug.
    2. M

      Server scripts

      Hope the way the script kills the server doesn\'t cause problems for you.
    3. M

      Server scripts

      The third step basically tries to take output of the second step and print the fifth \'word\'. Since you only have 4 \'words\' it doesn\'t work. Using following prints the \"open\" word in your netcat output which it is supposed to find: echo \"\" | netcat -v -w 1 localhost 4242 2>&1|tail...
    4. M

      Server scripts

    5. M

      Server scripts

      Well you can remove \"ionice -c2 -n0 \" from the first line or the \"run\" file to fix the problem. You could also try different parameters, like: \"ionice -c1 \" or \"ionice -n0 \". Maybe you could check \"/etc/security/limits.conf\" file if it mentions anything about ionice. I can\'t help...
    6. M

      Server scripts

      You probably do not have \"awk\" and/or \"tail\" installed. I will add these to requirements. Sorry for the long response time. There was an option to subscribe to a thread but I can\'t find it anymore. Let\'s proceed to a more fine-grained explanation. This is what I\'m getting: connection...
    7. M

      Server scripts

      \"function: not found\" - that sounds like you are not using bash or a similar rich shell. I\'m afraid this script is made for bash. See Also it looks like you did not copy the scripts to you...
    8. M

      Server scripts

      I'm sharing all scripts that I have written for my StarMade server, with launch commands and other goodies. There are four scripts. Let me tell you what they are for and how to use them. Main features Automatic server restarting Handling of some server lockdowns Logging of server state...
    9. M

      Swag Stormtrooper

      No I don\'t have to update, there is a huge security hole on the the v0.09377. Please see the first post :) Yeah, I\'m not very actively on. Maybe I should make the admin list public so people would know who to turn to if they need a moderator.
    10. M

      Swag Stormtrooper

      I have written the probe (previously referred as ping) script. I\'m doing some tester before letting it go to killer-probe spree. We are trying hard to find reliable moderators, we want that \"active admins\" tap back to the first post. Send applications to me or post them here if you are...
    11. M

      Minimum System Requirement

      He didn\'t ask for stress tests and calculations. He asked for a professional estimate. People like to underestimate the value of documentation and marketing when it comes to software development. Of course it\'s not a finished product but I don\'t think these things should be ignored.
    12. M

      Swag Stormtrooper

      Update is taking ridiculous amounts of time. It\'s backing up and compressing the whole database, eww. Btw it\'s kinda funny that the database is like 20 times larger on live than on backup. DB files contain insane amounts of repetition.
    13. M

      Swag Stormtrooper

      Realized that I should subscribe to get notices of your crash reports :) The server is automatically restarted when StarMade realizes it\'s on lockdown and shuts down itself. If StarMade doesn\'t realize that then manual kill is required. Actually I could try to make a mechanism that tries to...
    14. M

      Swag Stormtrooper

      Server is up again.
    15. M

      Swag Stormtrooper

      I\'m sorry to hear that. Nobody should have access to your credits etc. if you use the authentication (Uplink To Without it anyone can login with your username. Server support for the authentication was added pretty recently so attemts to use it before few days ago would have...
    16. M

      Swag Stormtrooper

      Server specifications Address: Client limit: 24 Start credits: 25 000 Location: Europe, Finland Whitelisting: No Additional information: Up 24/7 Automatic restart on crash Mumble: Server probe in Admin listing in...