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    1. Platinum_Altaria

      Shop blocks

      Hell yes, totally added!
    2. Platinum_Altaria

      Stop Planet Harvesting

      This is only alpha, and HUGE balancing is needed (particularly of the build block, since it\'s pretty much useless for actual building).
    3. Platinum_Altaria

      Shop blocks

    4. Platinum_Altaria

      Disappearing Planets

      This was in the starting sector! I cannot explain it since my pc works fine even when the glitch is happening!
    5. Platinum_Altaria

      Creative Mode

      I agree though the developers should really focus on bugfixes so that the game runs smoothly, before adding Amy serious updates which could further the problems. However, due to the number of requests for this as well as the benefits for testing designs, I think this will be coming soon...
    6. Platinum_Altaria

      Disappearing Planets

      Planets have a strange effect in my game. Upon interaction(breaking or placing blocks) sections of the planet become invisible. They don't disappear but are visually vanished. This effect then spread to my ship! I can't understand this since I have no trouble with graphics in other games?!
    7. Platinum_Altaria

      Shop blocks

      Sometimes i wish i didn't have to go all the way to another sector just to buy a couple of hulls. There should be shop blocks for use in stations so that you can buy stuff from your base and so can anyone else. This would add a kind of economy to faction bases, so that each person could...
    8. Platinum_Altaria

      Planet improvements

      Really, due to the voxel-based nature of the game, the planets should really be cubes. This would make it impossible for you to enter the wrong side and would allow mining towards a central gravity source within a magma core. Also, does anyone else think that asteroids and ships should exert...
    9. Platinum_Altaria


      with anything that goes faster than 50km/h...
    10. Platinum_Altaria

      Salvage auto turrets and repair turrets

      I would like to tag on that there needs to be some balancing of salvage cannons, they are simply too inneffective in small numbers, and since for now we can break any block with our bare hands instantly, there are no benefits...