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    1. megamidge11

      Game Limited to 2fps (usually get 150+)

    2. megamidge11

      Game Limited to 2fps (usually get 150+)

      Well, i noticed last night, really noticed, that when i go onto starmade, it is limited to 2fps, when usually i get 150+fps, or 100+fps when im hosting a 2 person server(i play with my freind alot). im not sure why it is happening, i have the latest versoin of starmade. please helps.
    3. megamidge11

      Landing Gear/ Repulser Fields.

      instead of this, it would be nice to have hinges/things/parts of a ship you can attach to a hinge type thing to move them, then you could make ladning gear, awesome doors to reveal a lase and such. Also, schema could revamp the docking system so that it works better, as at the moment, you just...
    4. megamidge11

      Republic starship class "Venator"

      doesnt matter if its not in the film, add a couple turrets, and moar weapons. do you have a salvage canno? if no, make some the length of the ship, and in spaces, attach more block to it for extra power, then go make money. i made a lrge ship, not this large though, and i could clear an...
    5. megamidge11

      Insane FPS

      Im pretty sure it wont effect your pc, the fps varies depending on your graphics card, and more, your processeror with Java. So, if you\'re getting that sort of fps, thats fine, you pc s fine, i get about 200-400, its fine.
    6. megamidge11


      Probably be better for a speed above 100, something relative to the max speed set by user/server, maybe trebl it or something, but it requires like treble the amount of power you normally run, so would be viable for large ships
    7. megamidge11

      Siimple suggestion: Allow PlexDoors to be connected to the core

      There not much point to this, you can drop docked items alraedy, jus press T, and find the docked object you\'d like to undock. And if you want to meak it so you have to open doors to get to the core, jsut make loads of plex doors, ive made one plex door to get to mine, and plex doors to get...
    8. megamidge11

      Better Sounds

      Yeh, a simple fixing of the sounds should work, as for me, the sounds either dont pay, sometimes play perfectly fine(i think, dont know what the soudns actually are), or just glitch alot. Maybe some faint music(that can maybe be changed), or music blocks maybe. Basically, add a few sounds, fix...
    9. megamidge11

      power supply and power drain beam

      the same thing is happening for the astrotechnican beam too
    10. megamidge11

      power supply and power drain beam

      yeh, for me the beam isnt coming out of the furthest forward. i have 2 long line, they are both same length. the beam itself seems to come out a few blocks behind furthest forward
    11. megamidge11

      power supply and power drain beam

      also, when i let go of click, the beam come from the end, and then the beam obviusly stops
    12. megamidge11

      power supply and power drain beam

      I have both of these on my ship, and for some reason, the beam itself when shot, doesnt come out of the end of the beam cannons, rather, it comes out elsewhere, to what i can see that is
    13. megamidge11


      well, i fixed my ship :) yeh i think ill take mroe precautions, gonna add sheilds. i play in singleplayer as i dont have internet on my desktop pc yet, but im basically developing a ship that will be amazing for multiplayer, working together on one giant ship
    14. megamidge11


      I think there should be a way to rollback an action such as accidently shooting a missile at your own ship, or protection against such. reason i say so, is i made a little fighter ship, and thought i would shott the missiles into random space, they then made a bline for back of my larer ship...
    15. megamidge11

      Better Symetry Plain Setting

      oh thats what that does, i though it was just changing the size of the sqaures on it.... Thanks for that, you just made my day
    16. megamidge11

      Single Player Career mode

      yeh that would be the sort of thing to do. But it would be good to have characters that you get to know, like you start with one guy at a space station, who gives you a small ship, and tells you to go to somewhere else to get parts, the parts person says they are out maybe, and go on that sort...
    17. megamidge11

      Better Symetry Plain Setting

      I like the symetry plane, really helps if you want to build certain patrs of your ship completely symetircal, but it doesn help if you want to make the entire ship this way, simply because a core is only 1 block. SO: i think, that the symetry plain system should be able to snap to every half...
    18. megamidge11

      Ship Tiliting

      Im not sure if this is a bug or not, but; When rotating ships, too much rotation it starts spazzing out everywhere not a problem with tiny tiny ships. but if you have a very big ship(in advance of 15 blocks tall/wide), then you cant rotate much at all before it happens, which is quite annoying.
    19. megamidge11

      Better Sounds

      Ah i see. alot of the sounds for me a very gritty, like they are being played by a really bad phone speaker, though they are being played through a mid range headset. so probably a bit of tweeking to the code, or the sound file and the game will be fixed :D
    20. megamidge11

      Better Sounds

      I think better sounds should be added, as, to me, the sounds in game, are very weird, i cant make sense of what they are, and they seem a bit buggy(dont know), It would be cool to have like a ''pew'' sound for the cannon, and like ''swoosh sounds'' for rockets, and engines, be a little less...