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    1. C

      Are we alone in this space?

      i love the stargates, they would be awsome to use and as an estetic. as for mobs, the current player model should be replaced with a more human looking one(different from minecraft of course). there should be slung weapons on the hips or back when a weapon is in the inventory and should be...
    2. C

      NPC Idea (beta/full release)

      Another thing is aliens and player models. there should be different aliens on their restpective planets. for instance in the ice planets there could be people covered in white fur, maybe a littl husky in stature, and they could carry rifles and be hunter tribes. or on martian/red planets there...
    3. C

      PreGen Structures Here

      I think a big part of any scifi space game is large ringed planets. If the dev team were to add planets twice the size of regular planets with rings of asteriods around them and crazy gravity the game would have more content to play with for the player after they had gotten a large ship that had...
    4. C


      The startup process loaded to 100% and i got this erroro message, hopefully this will help with game development: ErrorDialogException: ERROR-DIALOG-EXCEPTION data/shader/plasma/plasma.vert.glsl, data/shader/plasma/plasma.frag.glsl Fragment shader(s) failed to link, vertex shader(s)...