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    1. C

      Desolation Anarchy | Survival | No blueprints | Missions/Encounters | Modified Economy | Modified Bl

      IGN: ciderfylla Faction: None as of yet Your age: 22 Do you agree that your IP will be logged an could be banned if found breaking the rules or exploiting? Do you understand StarMade is in Alpha and bugs will occur possible server wipe? Do you also understand pings over a certain amount will...
    2. C

      Creating a wider dock

      Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to dock larger vessels, but can't seem to do it, as only one axis of the dock enhancers will work at any given time. How do I make both axis work so I get a big square instead of a narrow, long rectangle?
    3. C

      Stop people from disassembling your ship

      Yeah it\'s pretty ridiculous that you can just dissasemble someone elses ship. It\'s one thing if you get shot up, but when someone literally tears your ship apart with his bare hands it\'s just ridiculous.
    4. C

      Ship balance/gravity

      Thanks guys, I\'ll try rebuilding it. I\'ll ask another question here since it seems unnecessary to start another thread. I bought a ship at one of the shops, and apparently there\'s already a faction module on it, preventing me from adding one, which means I have to find the existing one. Is...
    5. C

      Ship balance/gravity

      Hey, I'm a newb to this game and I really don't understand how the ship gravity works. I'm not talking about the modules you can place, but when landing on planets. As soon as I exit my ship, it literally turns on it's head, leaving the entrance in the back facing straight up in the air. Someone...