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    1. F

      How do I make a ship that can fight pirates?

      and I would only add that if you place the core in the center of your ship, the turning circle feels smoother. As ever, i might be wrong :D
    2. F

      StarMade 0.09371: Better error messages & crash fixes

      A triumph sir, keep at it, you\'re bringing enjoyment to many!
    3. F

      StarMades first Role-Play Server

      number one!
    4. F

      Stop people from entering in your ship.

      that\'s currently how it works, you just need to get a faction block. I could be wrong. It\'s a jungle out there.
    5. F

      Schema is God, Almighty Developer

      I wish schema all the luck in the world! For an alpha it\'s extremely fun with heaps of potential. I just hope we can all be mature about this. Good show!
    6. F


      old bean, this answered a few of my queries too.
    7. F

      Some questions.

      The transmission appears, I assume, because you\'ve strayed too close to an AI owned base, I was pootling round near a world and got this broadcast then promptly, about 5 minutes after, was attacked by a surly brand of brigand. Also I saw in the shop a \'faction block\' which talked about...
    8. F

      I am made of toxic boxes.

      Hello. I cannot adequately describe how fantastic this game is. I discovered it yeasterday and cant stop thinking about the possibilities; wait, why aren't I playing it now? Why are you reading this? Go and play the game!