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      EVE Online Crane in starmade

      well i did get a bit lazy on that part but i could make it accurate if i wanted to or if the community
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      EVE Online Naga

      cool nice job i was planning on making a caldari naga too but i have built a caldari crane check it out link:
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      EVE Online Crane in starmade

      I have created a Crane from eve online took me about a day and a half what do you think? Pictures: (also if you want a download link please tell me either how to upload ships onto starmade website or a good website for downloading files)
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      Gravity mines

      faction block?
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      Gravity mines

      me and my friend were building ship on starmade when he suggested puting lots of gravity units on one ship and that it pulls other ships towards it this gave me an idea GRAVITY MINES you could put power on a mine to power a gravity pull block and the mine would be surrounded by either electric...
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      Limit of computer's connected to core?

      just had an idea it\'s only two sets of weapons i can go without they are kinda in stupid places ill just get rid of them but ill still see if i can fix this just in case anyone else has this problem
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      Limit of computer's connected to core?

      every computer has atleast one of the correct weapons attached to it and im just test firing all the weapons from the computers see if they work and thats going good so far it might have somthing to do with me buying it from catalog ill look into it and post if it gets fixed
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      Limit of computer's connected to core?

      ill try some stuff like... i got nothing got any suggestions?
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      Help. Capital Ship not spawning.

      i might be able to help you on this one what happens when you spawn the ship in does the blue diamond just float in space? if not im agreeing with beagle unfortunately
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      Limit of computer's connected to core?

      ok odd did you only try it with weapon computers? because i got a mix of weapons computers and all 3 missle computers too if thats not the problem ill try some other things
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      Limit of computer's connected to core?

      as i said \'\'i allready have 9 computers connected to my weapons tab\'\' weapons tab is brought up using the t button the rest of my computers do not show up in my weapons tab :(
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      Limit of computer's connected to core?

      hello is there a limit of computers that are able to connect to one core? my problem is that i downloaded a ship and im making it to it's full military potential and i allready have 9 computers connected to my weapons tab but there are more on my ship and they are not appearing on my weapons...