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    1. fopsy

      something large this way comes.

      Before anyone says anything i appreciate that this may not be large in compare to some other peoples projects but to me it's pretty large. I started this last night and it's still in its infantsy but i'm hoping that it grows into something awesome.
    2. fopsy

      Space Prius WIP

      fantastic work, It\'s more for fun of it, fun doesn\'t need to have a reason. I just hope that it helps others to understand how it works as this little adventure has done with me. If the result of all of this is that i build my reactors as an intergration into the ship rather than have a form...
    3. fopsy

      Space Prius WIP

      @crusade, it\'s a nick name i\'ve had since i was about 9 which was a good while before avatar :D @danz, i spent a good few hours trying different layouts with 100 blocks but found no difference in power output. The one thing you should remember that the amount of shield you have seems to be...
    4. fopsy

      It's over 9000 (questions on power)

      wow, habnab just wow, pefectly explained and your design is awesome. Thank you so much for further explaining something that i felt i had a pretty good grasp of. I bow to your greater wisdom, again thanks. :)
    5. fopsy

      It's over 9000 (questions on power)

      I've tralled over google, the forums (as best i can) and youtube in search of the most efficient 5x5x5. I've seen claims of generators producing 11k regen 9.5k and 9.2k. I've managed a 9111 and put the blue prints on the forum. But i've not found any evidence to support these other builds, after...
    6. fopsy

      Space Prius WIP

      shields, you can just place anywhere, ether together or all over the place it wont make a difference. To my knowledge anyway.
    7. fopsy

      Space Prius WIP

      lethal, literally any block you want, at first i put in hull for added protection. But you could put shielding in the gaps if you wanted, or powerstorage or nothing too keep it lighter.
    8. fopsy

      Experimental, solid craft.

      Massive thanks for the information crusade, can\'t wait to see this finished as well as your other projects. I\'ll eventually get to building big stuff :) have a few ideas down on paper.
    9. fopsy

      Space Prius WIP

      5x5x5 9111 e/sec 6.1mass blueprints
    10. fopsy

      Power Tutorial 9000 regen rate

      yes yes yes :D 9111.3 e/sec in 5x5x5
    11. fopsy

      Space Prius WIP

      yes yes yes :D 9111.3 e/sec in 5x5x5 new design will be up soon enough :) oh and thats with 61 power blocks :) less is more ^_^
    12. fopsy

      Experimental, solid craft.

      Hey, crusade have you found a point where thrust outways the mass of a ship. Was hoping to find the optimum pecentage of thrust to mass. Assuming there is a limit to the acceleration you can have on a ship. I was inteding to do some tests soon regarding this but obviously if others have come...
    13. fopsy

      Space Prius WIP

      started my work on my 9x9x9 power suplies (i preffer odd dimensions when i build) managed to get 43599.2 e/sec on my first attempt. With v2 i managed to get a wopping 49381.2 e/sec from a 9x9x9 cube. OH and heres my 5x5x5 power block. I really hope that others can find something more efficeint...
    14. fopsy

      Space Prius WIP

      I wanna see what i can get out of a 10x10x10 matrix first and then i\'ll put up my blue prints for the 5x5x5 and see if people can improve on that. :D expect it in a day or two at most a few minutes at the soonist :P
    15. fopsy

      Space Prius WIP

      some progress made today managed to squeeze a little more power out, got 7904 pwr a sec from 73 htc power blocks in a 5x5x5 matrix :) pretty happy with that.
    16. fopsy

      Space Prius WIP

      I'm currently working on making the most officent ship thats possible in the game. Finding the best positional set up for every type of block in the game squeezing out the best performance in the smallest of ships. Bigger i feel will always be better but if i can manage something half the size...