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    1. Marson

      New Npc...

      Also it wuold be nice if NPCs weren\'t just faceless ships but actual \"people\" or creatures. Just would be cool to see a pirate base swarming with pirates trying to kill you. :)
    2. Marson

      Pirate Station Loot.

      Yeah They need to give us an easy way to make billions so we can test Everything the game has to offer in a small amount of time.
    3. Marson

      Plex storage and its importance in the economy.

      As of right now we aren\'t playing this game just because we want to enjoy it, we are playing it to Test it and give feedback to the developers. Definately this feature should be looked at and \"balanced\" in Beta stages but for now it is best that Alpha Testers have easy access to a multitude...
    4. Marson


      I think they said they were going to make it fatal to stay in space for a long period of time (possibly the need for oxygen?) But your ideas would make it much more interesting
    5. Marson

      ship boarding

      1.small 2 block radius \"breaching charges\" (w/ cooldown to balance?) 2. a way to attach yourself to a ship (i.e. magnetic boots) or even your ship to theirs? 3. As said before a tractor beam to slow or even pull in a ship (high power consumption) 4. A way to hack PlexDoors or ship systems...
    6. Marson

      The Catalogue System is Absolutely Broken and is Exploitable

      Force the players to find (or even make) a shipyard area where they can acess the catalog. from there they would have to purchase a ship (with a large fee in proportion to the value of the ship) and wait for it to be \"constructed\". Maybe if that doesn\'t appease to everyone you could also have...
    7. Marson

      Some ideas about the future of starmade

      Great Ideas, I think it woudl be cool if you had to find (or maybe even build) a shipyard area in order to buy ships from the catalog. Then you\'d have to wait a certain amount of time for it to be \"constructed\".
    8. Marson

      Rotate the spacesuit

    9. Marson

      NPC Idea (beta/full release)

      Another idea idea I have is the ability to attach yourself or your ship to another ship and \"board it\" (i.e. magnetic boots/tap into its gravity) then use some kind of breaching charge/device to get inside the ship to destroy it from the inside out. This of course would allow for some...
    10. Marson

      NPC Idea (beta/full release)

      I just think it would be cool if The Trade Guild and Pirates weren't just ships but actual NPC people piloting those ships, then they could get out and repair their ships etc. Pirate Bases and space stations could then have occupants walking around and maintaining a defense. This probably...
    11. Marson

      Warp Gate System

      I just think Warp Gates would be a nice feature to look at. Players would have to physically build the warp gate frame then activate it. Then they could link it to another warp gate. Just wanted to throw some input into the bucket :).