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    1. Ubung

      Invisible player

      Ok update on the current situation. We noticed there was a patch available so we thought we\'d see if it fixed our problem. It didnt, still couldnt see him or what he did to the universe. However after we\'d been playing for like 30 mins my friend noticed he could see one of my ships at the...
    2. Ubung

      Invisible player

      Thanks for the speedy response. Ive sent a bug report from my pc which is both server and client. I run the game twice. The error was sent as jon_h email address. I also tried to get the player who is invisible to everyone else to send their report but when he tried to do it he gets the...
    3. Ubung

      Invisible player

      Hey Ive just started playing this game with two my friends so i set up a dedicated server and we got going. Everything was fine for a while, I could see all players, their ships and what they had done in the world. However today weve suddenly got a problem. One of the people I can still see...