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    1. Benguin

      PLEASE add better admin commands, for when things go bad.

      Two people on my server built two very large ships, and then they decided to ram them into each other and glitch the fuck out. At this scale, apparently the whole "lets jiggle around a lot until we break free from each other" thing doesn't help \o/ Anyway, they yelled at me to fix it and so I...
    2. Benguin

      Ships with an activated faction module cannot dock with neutral territory.

      I'm not sure if this is intended or not, but if I build a station and don't put a faction module on it, i can't dock. I think this is a bit silly, because I wanted to build a neutral sort of hub for all ships to be able to dock to.
    3. Benguin

      [Solved] No sound under linux 64bit.

      I installed the game again today after not playing for a few months, and there's no sound :C Last time I played it was under ubuntu, now it's with archlinux, but I don't see why the sound wouldn't be working. Also of note, is that schema switched to paulscode for sound since I last played...
    4. Benguin

      Lighted pixels on block textures.

      Certain pixels in textures (such as the core texture, or the cannon texture,) should be bright even if the block isn't lit, or emitting light (if you don't know what I mean, go look at the spiders and endermen in minecraft, their eyes always glow.) A pretty unimportant change to be sure, but I...
    5. Benguin

      Game Mode Suggestion: Fully crewed ships.

      First of all: sorry if this has been suggested before: was too lazy to search. Now, my idea: a gamemode where each starship needs a full crew in order to function. Each ship has a captain class, tactical, medical, engineering, ect, and everybody has their function (think: Artemis.) This game...
    6. Benguin

      A way to move the ship core without destroying and rebuilding the entire ship..

      If there's alraedy such a way, please tell me. I have a pretty big ship and I've decided that I want to move my ship core to another part of the ship.. One way to do it could be, while in build mode, place another ship core, and then delete the old one, letting the new one take over.. Of...