Search results

    1. H

      New Crosshairs - 110% More Simple and Less Intrusive!

      The vanilla crosshair and outline is super intrusive. It can actually get in the way of aiming because it's rediculously oversized. And what are those two curved lines overlayed near the right and left edge of the screen. Screw that noise! These cursor and GUI updates fix that. Screens...
    2. H

      Looking for Server Admin for Hardcore Economy Server

      I've got a really neat and niche server config and items xml that is ready to be put into a server and get it tested. It's set up to make players really work to be able to build large ships. You'll want to really be a team player and get in with a Faction to accelerate the speed at which you...
    3. H

      Hardcore Economy Settings or Server Admin/Mod Needed

      I'm looking to start up a server. I've got a dedi with some great specs ready to roll, but I'd like to create an extremely hardcore environment for players to experience. There are obvious things like decreasing loot from pirates and stations, removing buildblocks (or just making them really...
    4. H

      Faster Ship Importing

      - Allow me to import multiple sment files at a time. Having to click each one individually is a pain in the butt. - Another pain in the butt, having to type out the file names, one by one, in order to see them in my game. A button to import all into game would be fantastic. This could be...
    5. H

      HD Texture Pack In Progress All the hulls are completed. A closer look at the details. As of now this is a 512 x 512 texture pack (The standard size is 64x64 [pixel art on textures is 16 x 16 but the pixels are each actually 2^2 pixels). For most, it'll probably...