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      Acclamator cruiser star destroyer class

      We've been planning on making that for the next few days had a lot of help from Zerotech that host the server and often come give me an hand its fare from being perfect but hell i wanna see that full of other smaller ship someday.... ship size : about 700 block long / 400 wide and 150-200 for...
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      server and network i could use help...

      i was trying to set a network on hamachi and then comodo ... with no luck as i can't even join it myself ...... i always scare myself how bad i am at dealing with those ..... any tips ? have to say i've tryed about all the ip listed in my ipconfig list and can't acess my router (its not mine )...
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      Gravity gen.

      look like you don't want to start these in tight spaces .... didn't had the time to check out a lot but it sent me fare from my ship everytime i start it and i stay stuck mid-air making fast up-down movement....
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      started trying the game yesterday .... figured i could register in the forum just in case i meet something creepy....