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    1. Control

      Bug Fleet Mining not working?

      Created a new local game today, new fleet, No ship will mine. They'll float around, turning, spinning, ramming, twitching, Replicated on small ships, long ships, wide ships, tall ships, Core, Power, SVG Cpu, SVG mod, thruster, not-flagship, Storage, all connected, check check check,
    2. Control

      Reissuing Fleet Mine Sector Command

      I am experiencing an issue where my "drone" ships will follow the first command to mine, scatter around a rock and blast away until it's gone, but then they sit there and spin.. until I reissue the "Mine Sector" command, they'll then select another asteroid and continue their work. Anyone know...
    3. Control

      Logic Charged Jump Drive?

      Hey guys, I've been away from starmade for a minute so pardon my question, and I did "search" but couldn't find the answer... Did they change it so Jump Drives can be charged and used via logic? I've seen a few posts mentioning using this trick, but not how it's done. When I left, this was not...
    4. Control

      Running out of faction points

      Q: What happens when a faction begins running out of points? Do their owned systems start reverting to neutral? Does it follow a specific order of decay, or is it random? Other various effects remain unknown to me, as I have never seen it happen. In another thread we're discussing ways to...
    5. Control

      Timeline for a competative patch?

      So, even though I quit playing starmade about 3 months ago, I continue to check the forums every single night. Why? Because this game is 1 step away from being exactly what I want it to be... I just want some PvP fun with purpose. I already built a massive base on 4-5 different servers, huge...
    6. Control

      Missiles, tests, notes, comments,

      Hi guys! I've been experimenting with ways to take down capital ships, with the smallest ships possible! In this, I've learned a bit about missiles and how they apply their damage, as well as various setups that have worked for me. I thought I'd share some of what I've experimented with, and get...
    7. Control

      Damage Pulse + Missile = ?

      Was wondering if someone could explain what this combo does. Does it have a unique property, or is it just the standard AoE explosion?
    8. Control

      Rails as Long Timer

      Hello. My question is: How quickly does an object move across a rail? In M/sec or blocks/sec. (Without any mass penalties or speed controllers) Use: I am working on a project which requires a long timer, with multiple triggered events. So for example, say I wanted a unique event every...