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    1. HorribleHedgehog

      Ramships and boarding pods - let's make this work, shall we?

      I've been thinking about boarding lately, and not the wussy teleporting kind either. Everyone knows that boarding an enemy capital without making a ship-sized hole in the side just isn't proper. With that in mind, I built this little thing to serve as my dedicated boarder: Grappling hooks...
    2. HorribleHedgehog

      HorribleHedgehog's stuff (UPDATE 4/8/2016: Amberclad-class cruiser exterior finished!)

      Hello everyone! I bought Starmade last month and since then it has been eating away alarming amounts of my free time. I'll use this thread to showcase the ships I've managed to finish in my quest to create an uniform fleet of warships complete with RP interiors. First off - Galeocerdo-class...