Search results

    1. Edymnion

      Should I get back into Starmade?

      Subscription based, no thank you. Personally I'm hoping to find something thats half Starmade, half Factorio.
    2. Edymnion

      Building my first GOOD station, need help!

      The most important thing, for me, is good storage. Which means lots of cargo space, lots of storage container blocks, and a LOT of sorting filters. For my stations, docking that can pull cargo, automatically sort mined materials into raw storage, sort salvaged parts into proper containers, and...
    3. Edymnion

      CS: Quickfire Initiative: Rebalancing StarMade

      Glad to see that we're able to expand into some user input again. Looking forwards to what comes out of it!
    4. Edymnion

      Star Trek Discovery Enterprise - Scaled Build WIP

      Welp, been watching Season 2, and guess I'll have to rebuild that bridge!
    5. Edymnion

      The Hyperion Corporation thanks you for your patience while the Helios is under construction.

      I'm looking at somewhere between 900 and 1,000 blocks tall. Not really planning on doing moonshot cargo containers or robots, since there's not really any good way to do those. It'll be mostly an RP shell. Things got busy again IRL, unfortunately, so it may be a while.
    6. Edymnion

      The Hyperion Corporation thanks you for your patience while the Helios is under construction.

      My god for a station that is mostly flat angles this giant letter H has got an insane amount of wedging!
    7. Edymnion

      The Hyperion Corporation thanks you for your patience while the Helios is under construction.

      Helios Moonbase Well, seeing as we've potentially lost Our Lady of Paris (Notre Dame) today, I felt it only fitting that I should start building something new. So, since the Enterprise shell is pretty much done, and since I've been replaying Borderlands 2 in prep for Borderlands 3 coming out...
    8. Edymnion

      Re-use the new button mesh

      Would be a great way to light a room in a non-obvious fashion.
    9. Edymnion


      Huh, just tested it and it doesn't work. I swear I remember being able to access a weapon computer like it was a core and being able to fire the associated gun. Did I dream that, or did it just change at some point? I remember going "Neat, but can't move the ship to point the gun so not...
    10. Edymnion


      Command chairs have been on the dev's radar for ages. Devs had said they're coming, so they're probably going to be in the universe update. Since you can already access weapon control computers while on foot, just seems logical that we should be able to do things like access a fleet control...
    11. Edymnion


      I'd like to see a comms panel that would let you issue fleet commands as if you were in the core.
    12. Edymnion

      Re-use the new button mesh

      So we have that very nice button mesh now that gives us a non-cube button we can push. Re-use the hell out of that mesh. Strip out the logic aspects, re-texture it, and we've got a great detailing option. Make it static and gray? Its a rivet. Make it colored and have it be a light source...
    13. Edymnion

      Draft for an Faction Coalition whose members each focus on one Theme [TBSC]

      I like it. Set of standard guidelines to make living systems as opposed to "zomg ultimate deeps!".
    14. Edymnion

      Small RP Faction Miner 2019-04-02

      Was just messing around trying to come up with some different looks for faction ships, and rather liked this one. Has a nice worker bee kind of feel to it, might be interesting once we get mining fleets up and going. Anyway, basic small miner. Simple 5 beam waffle continuous fire salvage...
    15. Edymnion

      Star Trek Discovery Enterprise - Scaled Build WIP

      Okay, quick build for the bridge. Part I like, the button there on the console toggles Red Alert mode.
    16. Edymnion

      Star Trek Discovery Enterprise - Scaled Build WIP

      There is rumor going around that this is the bridge: On one hand, I'm kind of buying it because the overall layout is similar to the Discovery's: It has a lot of the same feel, while still also being the classic Enterprise layout. Its got the same general door style as the Discovery, but...
    17. Edymnion

      Star Trek Discovery Enterprise - Scaled Build WIP

      As promised, the shell is now up for download in Community Content: I'm still not 100% happy with the pylons... but hell if I'm going to rip them out and start all over on them again now! Whats next? Why, time...
    18. Edymnion

      Star Trek Discovery - U.S.S. Enterprise (Shell) 2019-03-30

      ------------------------- U.S.S. Enterprise Star Trek: Discovery ------------------------- Height: 182 m Width: 397 m Length: 866 m Hull Type: Standard Armor Block Count: 532,497 This shell was entirely hand made without the use of mesh importers of any kind. A thread was kept...
    19. Edymnion

      Star Trek Discovery Enterprise - Scaled Build WIP

      Nacelle detailing. 866m, to be precise. :D She's 397m x 182m x 866m, and currently just a smidge over 528,000 blocks.
    20. Edymnion

      Star Trek Discovery Enterprise - Scaled Build WIP

      Okay, I finished roughing out the rest of the nacelles and did the cowls at the end. And I still have a lot of detailing to do, and seams to fix (you can see the pylons still don't actually merge into the secondary hull in the above pic), but at this point thats all thats left...