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    1. S

      I think i found a Easter egg...

      I was looking through the games files today and i found this LogbookEntriesGen and i was like oh whats this.. when i clicked it this appeared Captain's log, stardate 1312.4. The impossible has happened. From directly ahead, we're picking up a recorded distress signal, the call letters of a...
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      new gamemode idea

      there should be a new gamemode introduced called "Wave" and what the gamemode is about is that it causes all players to spawn in a basic station that has damage to it before they spawned in and what they have to do is defend the "reactor" in the center of the station from the pirate invasion...
    3. S

      First time you attacked a pirate station?

      What did you do when you attacked your first pirate station? did you build a massive titan and just blasted the station apart? or did you just built a fighter and charged in yelling "YOLO!" post what kind of station it was and what did you do to it? did you survive? tell us and we will see who...
    4. S

      Sol Remembrance Heavy RP server [OLD, PLEASE REMOVE]

      IGN:Commander-Johnson_S-N Character Name:Johnson SN Character Age:1462 (human) years Character Appearance: Humanoid shape with over 87% of his body replaced with a machine. the rest of his body is covered in his suit but he is extremely muscular.his height is abit over 7 ft Character...
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      Ai patrol block

      No one wants to give any feedback on this idea?
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      Starmade NOPE Moments

      i joined a server with a 200 speed limit.... lets say clipping into a factions home base wasn't a good idea
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      Anti heat seeking for smaller ships

      I know people will say "Just build a anti missile turrent!" or "Just cloak!" but what if we had smaller ships that cant support a cloaking system or is to small for a turrent? well i have an idea that adds a new block to the game to counter the heat seeking swarm. this block is...
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      Ai patrol block

      ive been thinking about how the AI in the game works and i thought about a patrol block for space stations. it works like this In order to let the AI know were to patrol around you need the Patrol block for your station when you place it down it will have menus set up like this...