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    1. T

      AI modes

      Hey Star-Made community and devs So I thought about something about the current AI module, and felt like there was something missing. Like some kind of path following AI module - so it can fx fly between a couple of planets, and in case it sees an enemy it put chase and destroy it if it can...
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      How to change Trade Market max stock values

      Hey StarMade So I was wondering if it is possible to change the max stock value of Trade Markets :p as I think having the current values is 2 low - mainly for terrain items Thanks
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      Custom Pirate ships and Stations

      Hey StarMade So I was wondering the setup for custom pirate ships and pirate stations? To make more Pirate Stations just make the station, save the blueprint and put it in here: starmade\StarMade\blueprints-stations\pirate Or is it somewhere else? And about the pirate ships, idk how to...