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    1. Zaphod42

      A.I. orientation on turret weapons has changed?

      I'm playing around with Halo UNSC-style orbital defense platforms and the two I've found don't seem to work. This one is by Maartenall, and it looks great and packs a reasonably powerful damage beam. This one is a larger, older version by SkylordLuke. I'm not sure if it's due to an update, but...
    2. Zaphod42

      Full-size Pennsylvania-class battleship "Indomitus"

      Presenting the USS Indomitus, a Pennsylvania-class battleship constructed using an IRL 3-foot:1 block scale. Built in the classic style of a WWII battleship with various modifications and modern weaponry. 5 decks boasting all the comforts needed for a medium-sized crew, Indomitus can take a...