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    1. M

      GT Starmade Wrapper - Quick fix for bug caused by new schine version format.

      Fixed a bug caused by a change in the version number format. I was converting the version string to a number and evaluating against it. It was only so the wrapper would still work with server versions below 0.1931. Consider support for Starmade server versions below 0.1931 dropped.
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      GT Starmade Wrapper - Fix for faction wipe issue.

      It looks like another change in the StarMade server broke something in the wrapper. This time, faction member listings have been reformatted causing my wrapper to think factions were empty. If you use the faction cleanup features, you'll find it ends up 'cleaning' out the factions it thinks is...
    3. M

      Late reply - sorry - real life issues. Quick answer: They need to use their name exactly as it...

      Late reply - sorry - real life issues. Quick answer: They need to use their name exactly as it appears in game, not a steam name. They also need to claim the reward as it's not granted automatically. If you need additional support, please PM me instead. Thanks.
    4. M

      GroundTactics Starmade Wrapper public release (Updated to support rails)

      For some reason I never got a notice when this thread was updated so I'm sorry for the delay in response. I never had any plans to make it so the UI font can be changed. I figured it was decent enough and most ops wouldn't be staring at the console all too often once things were up and running...
    5. M

      GT Starmade Wrapper - Bugfixes and stuff for new docking system.

      The server's new rail system now checks if a player is docked prior to allowing a warp so my wrapper isn't being updated to check anymore (it still checks with the old system though). Instead, if a warp fails, my wrapper sees the server's log entry indicating the failure and silently refunds...
    6. M

      GT Starmade Wrapper - Updated for the new chat system (again)

      Schema changed the chat system format again to make it easier for admins to parse. I've now updated the wrapper to support latest changes. Also, chatspy's been redone. Now there's a new config variable called 'ChatSpyChannel'. By default it's undefined. When set, all faction, channel, and...
    7. M

      GroundTactics Starmade Wrapper public release (Updated to support rails)

      I figured I can get away with a bump since I changed the title of this post to let everybody know that this does indeed work after the .1917 update. This is fully compatible with the new chat system now.
    8. M

      GT Starmade Wrapper - Now supports new chat system (and updated internal help text)

      Small change between when I added support for the new chat system and now: Updated all the help text to remove references to "/pm" since it's no longer a valid command and you can't PM yourself anymore.
    9. M

      GT Starmade Wrapper - Now supporting the new chat system!

      Nothing has changed from the last version except for the addition of support for the new chat system. Even with the addition of new chat system support - this wrapper remains backwards compatible with the previous version of Starmade.
    10. M

      GT Starmade Wrapper - Small bugfixes since last version.

      FIXED: When the server was using starmade auth as opposed to not, players uploading blueprints were supposed to get a warning about blueprint size limits. Instead, the server log got an an exception warning. FIXED: When players bought a blueprint size increase with voting points, the...
    11. M

      GT Starmade Wrapper - Now much more customizable!

      Changelog: Fixes: (FIXED) Godmode powerup sometimes glitched and left godmode on until player logged out. (FIXED) Some errors with the banking system allowed players to have negative balances (FIXED) Faction tracking issues where it improperly tracked player membership changes (effected...
    12. M

      GT Starmade Wrapper 1.0.5944.872

      So I've got a wrapper in development that I've been running on my own server and I've decided to release it to the community. You can always see it in action on my own server (see my sig) if you're interested. It's a windows only .NET executable. You need the .net framework 4.5.1 in order to...
    13. M

      GroundTactics Starmade Wrapper public release (Updated to support rails)

      I decided to release it. Updated my first post too.
    14. M

      GroundTactics Starmade Wrapper public release (Updated to support rails)

      Aahhh... my thread's been hijacked by trolls.. Screw it.. I'll drop a public release of this thing in another couple of days or so and see what happens then. I added timed announcements and faction member join/part messages in-game for when global joins/parts are disabled. I was working...
    15. M

      GroundTactics Starmade Wrapper public release (Updated to support rails)

      I think the initial release will be closed source but I won't hold any grudges towards people who implement their own versions of the unique stuff I've come up with.
    16. M

      GroundTactics Starmade Wrapper public release (Updated to support rails)

      So I've got a wrapper in development that I've been running on my own server and I've decided to release it. You can always see it in action on my own server (see my sig) if you're interested. The release post is here: Implemented...