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    1. downedpilot

      New game mechanics that would diversify combat

      As we all know, combat in StarMade is very bland and seems to repeat the same formula, fire all your weapons as fast as you can and if your shields go down, give up, but I believe with the addition of some new features as well as the upcoming crewsystem will allow combat in StarMade to become...
    2. downedpilot

      Read by Council Boarding and Breaching Additions

      Who here likes the Idea of jumping into a boarding vessel, breaking and entering into your enemy's vessel and destroying it from the inside out, or just flat out taking it over? Because I do. But there is one flaw that prevents me, and many others I know from doing such procedures, the fact that...
    3. downedpilot

      Recognized Cloaking should be an effect, or at the very least something like it

      As many have said, cloaking needs to be changed in some way or another, and I believe many of you will believe me when it comes to this. All of us have wanted at least once to design a ship that could cloak and still be capable for combat, and while the current system is alright many believe...