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    1. T

      Modular Docking "Modular Ships"

      The idea is simple, have a block that can be controlled with movement, and placed just like a normal core, however, its cheaper but... it requires a Ship Core to be able to use hotkeys and A.I. This block should be called module block, and its blocks a "Module", the Module has to be name-able...
    2. T

      Damage Blocks/Drills/Spikes/Swords Concept

      This kind of block should be a damaging entity or block, damaging on touch or on AoE Effect, In other words a spike block, a drill, a weapon, not to be confused with damaging pulse. After watching the rail-update this got me thinking, Actually if in starmade you can create anything how about...
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      More Weapon Dynamism "Elemental, Modifiers, Ammo, Missile Bays"

      Long time no see :p Well First of all Merry Christmas. Ok, To begin with explaining what I mean with dynamism is rather having a even more customizable weapon which means; Increasing speed, Increasing damage, Increasing Radius, Lock-On rate, Tracking, Special aspects, Elemental (Hot, Cold...
    4. T

      Mobile Fighter shipyards, and mobile factories

      Factory blocks for ships also Well thought on mobile factories when I first played this game, but instead of using the catalog for refilling Your hangars, rebuilding your motherships legion of turrets... For that for ship factory block instead of Claiming a planet/station for manafacturing...
    5. T

      Fully Customizable Bobby A.I = Repair Drones, Mine A.I?

      To be more especific yes... There might be some posts about this Soooo here we go... Since the game has only the bobby AI and indeed its a good adition, but why not to recall that ai controlled ship, add some mode sequences? or to make other ai types "cargo A.I., mining A.I? how about even make...