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    1. J

      Station Blocks For a Real Sense of Scale

      TL;DR: You can select block scale when building a station (and only on a station) in order to increase the possible size of a station while using significantly less blocks. This allows for 2 things: A.) An actual sense of scale, ships shouldn't be bigger then massive stations designed to house...
    2. J

      (GFS) Karris Drive Yards

      Why hello and welcome to my shipyard! Here I'll be posting about my active work and my past works projects. As you might notice with many of my "recreation" ships, they aren't always going to be 1:1 or perfectly accurate. Often I resize certain areas (such as the engines on the venator) or...
    3. J

      Free Drift Toggle and Regular Deceleration

      Hey all, we all know that when you stop accelerating in any direction eventually magical space wind takes hold of your ships and brings it to a standstill. While, for the unfortunate fool who ends up outside of his ship while it drifts away, it may seem useful it does inhibit a lot of potential...
    4. J

      Cargo Capacity Limitations

      Small feature I'd like to see is that there be a volume/mass limitation on loot in the cargo blocks. Right now just a few of them will fill up an entire shops inventory and then some without any problems, I'd prefer it as chaining cargo blocks together would increase the volume/mass of the cargo...