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      SF-5 Tusk Heavy Fighter 2019-06-24

      The "Ugliest Flier Out There", the Tusk, gets a redesign internally. Boasting a better shield system than before and in general, a revitalization of her systems. To limit the need of a gunner, a single weapon activation switch has been installed to enable automatic firing of all weapon systems...
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      SF-4 Joro Light Fighter 2019-06-24

      The Joro is the true baseline fighter that is to be installed in most carriers and escort craft. It possess a strong weapon army capable of disabling or killing lightly shielded and armored craft. Its lockon missile system packs a large enough punch that should enough Joros lock onto a single...
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      SF-3 Mono Interceptor 1.0

      The Mono is nothing more than a radar blip and missile magnet. It is designed to clog scans and pull fire away from more important ships. Its rapid firing weapons does make it excellent for hunting other interceptors and Monos are most likely to be found dogfighting the enemy fighters at...
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      Sarutov-class Corvette 1.0

      Advances in weaponry and armor made ASY designs outdated and new ship designs were required. The new classifications were made and the first Corvette of the new class has been made, the Sarutov.
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      Soven-class Destroyer 2018-05-29

      DISCLAIMER: Early staging of AIN. Common theme; almost all turrets are from Gmodism due to the fact they make very diverse and good-looking turrets. This includes alot of the hull mounted weapons. Later creations will have my own stuff. These ships are my first attempts at "larger" creations...
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      Bazaar-class Frigate 2018-05-29

      DISCLAIMER: Early staging of AIN. Common theme; almost all turrets are from Gmodism due to the fact they make very diverse and good-looking turrets. This includes alot of the hull mounted weapons. Later creations will have my own stuff. These ships are my first attempts at "larger" creations...
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      AIN Barboros, Frigate 1.0

      DISCLAIMER: Early staging of AIN. Common theme; almost all turrets are from Gmodism due to the fact they make very diverse and good-looking turrets. This includes alot of the hull mounted weapons. Later creations will have my own stuff. These ships are my first attempts at "larger" creations...
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      AIN Pyrrhic, Corvette 1.0

      DISCLAIMER: Early staging of AIN. Common theme; almost all turrets are from Gmodism due to the fact they make very diverse and good-looking turrets. This includes alot of the hull mounted weapons. Later creations will have my own stuff. These ships are my first attempts at "larger" creations...
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      Luchy Heavy AM Turret 2016-11-26

      Produced for the upcoming Antonin-class Battleship, the Luchy is built to penetrate and incapacitate small targets at extreme ranges. The Antonin will boast a very broad selection of capital ship killers but the Luchy is built to engage the enemy fleet much before the enemy fleet engages the...
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      Leviathan-class Heavy Cruiser Mk.I

      The Leviathan, a heavy cruiser design, is a hulking black mass of armor and HE missiles. Triple the power, double the shielding. The Leviathan is very bluntly armed and armored. Its black advanced armor plates seem to have just been welded ontop of one another in a rush but it is very...
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      Bronco-class Light Cruiser Mk.I

      The Bronco Light Cruiser features 8 Basilisk HE Turrets, A heavy belly cannon and a strong short range particle beam weapon. The Bronco is the successor the Sanya Destroyer, who's armor was decent but armament was lackluster. AIN uses these ships as Assault Leaders, who lead the charge into...
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      The Sanya-class "Ebon" Destroyer Mk.I 2016-03-11

      The Sanya, dubbed the Ebon, is the first heavy design of the Altonavin Imperial Navy. It was created as a response to capture of a Reaper gunship by pirates. The Sanya-class boasts DOUBLE plating of advanced armor and shielding. It also have a strong missile system, lock on of course and...
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      North Star-class Scout Ship 2016-03-10

      No one expects to lose a war but that very sense of hubris leads to the eradication of species, empires and etc. The Altonavins will not be such fools. The High Command wants a warp ship, manned of course. Computer data can be hack, the brain can't. Not yet at least. Anyway, ARD made the North...
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      Chapel-Class Corvette 2016-03-10

      The first corvette in ARD design was the Chapel-class. This corvette had a good balance between pirate killing weaponry, armor, and mobility. The red advanced armor clad ship can take significant damage from the average pirate. It boasted a large swarm of smart missiles and two chaingun systems...
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      The Prototype Reaper Gunship 2016-03-09

      With the pirates growing stronger with tougher design models, so must ARD come up with new ships and fighters to combat the new threats. Surveillance reported that the pirates had yet to really bump up their shield game, thus ARD produced a gunship meant to deal heavy damage to unshielded...
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      Fang Fighter Mk.II 2016-03-07

      On the homefront, mothers and father continue to complain on the lack of returning Fang fighter pilots so ARD made a slight improvement on the original design. Armor. Yes, now the Fang swarms are no longer without armor.
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      Gecko-Heavy Evac Variant 2016-03-07

      The fights planetside don't always go good and the High Command of the Altonavin Marine Corps (AMC) have recognized this. They put in an order for a bigger and heavier but yet faster dropship design. The standard Gecko dropship wasn't making the cut as while it could ferry things, it did so very...
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      Fang-class Light Fighter 2016-03-07

      "Knock one of my fangs out, ill just grow another one in about 1 minute." The Fang Light Fighter isn't meant to be much but a gap filler for the AIN. If you thought Copperhead pilots had it bad, they do. But the Fang pilots really don't last too long against well prepared enemies. Branishing...
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      Tusk Heavy Fighter 2016-03-07

      The Tusk is the standard heavy fighter craft of the AIN carriers. Its main armament is a repeating nose cannon with twin missile launchers with lockon. The Tusk gets the both of both worlds, decent firepower for its size and armor. Best of all three worlds actually. Mobility isnt spared for its...
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      Copperhead Mk.V "Moccasin" 2016-03-06

      The Copperhead has long been on the front lines as fodder and light support but now the heavy Mk.V is rolled out with heavy overplating of armor and lock on missiles, making this the heaviest armored and armed gunship in the AIN arsenal. The Copperhead Mk.V, dubbed the "Moccasin", is slightly...