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    1. S

      What happened to Starmade?

      Damn I'm getting old! 5 and a half years ago I found a very interesting game called Starmade. Roundabout 2.5 years it was a lot of fun. Every month we were waiting for new exiting features. But now these times are gone. The online servers are empty, bugs were not fixed. I quit Starmade 3 years...
    2. S

      RDC Corvette Intrepid Mk-II outdated 1.0 2016-11-24

      The corvette Intrepid Mk-II, built by the Royal Dockyard Chatham, was used as escort vessel in the Royal Kalixan Navy (the pirate faction of our server) for a long time. After their decommision some the ships were sold to the Volksrepublik Sansibar (another pirate faction;)) where they are still...
    3. S

      Mail system - admin broadcast mail

      I agree to you. But I think this would be a lot of work. But it would nice for a second step after the faction and crew update. ;) Imho a function with a reserved word (maybe with e-mail notification option??) would be a large improvement with a small amount of work. And it stops the...
    4. S

      Mail system - admin broadcast mail

      Yes, who has read this message yesterday? ;) And it is located in a file, so there is no easy way to change it. We tried to bypass this problem with threads in our forum. But the most players don not visit the forum regulary. So they were suprised by events, changes in the settings, the server...
    5. S

      Mail system - admin broadcast mail

      Hi, At the moment there is no ingame option to contact players that are currently not logged in. I think, for admins it would be useful if they would be able to send an ingame mail to all players. Something in a way like: Press F4, write an reserved word, for example "*broadcast*" as...