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    1. Xeo

      Updated Block List

      I've noticed a few people asking for an updated block ID list so I thought I would plug my own little project in a more visible place for those that might not look at the Third Party Software forum. I've recently updated it for patch 1.5 with all of the new block ID's...
    2. Xeo

      Plex Lights and Lighting Intensity

      With the addition of shadows, I feel that lighting has become way too harsh and high contrast. I would like to suggest that plex lights should have the lighting intensity lowered a bit and the radius increased to provide a more ambient lighting for interior areas. Lighting large areas inside...
    3. Xeo

      Block ID List (with dynamic filtering)

      This is something that I've been working on sporadically, a block ID list which can be filtered by block name (it updates dynamically as you type). It also contains the new blocks from the latest patch, I will continue to update it with new blocks as patches are released...