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    1. AttitudeAdjuster

      Docking for non-symmetrical entities

      It would pretty much be how regular docking is now, except a bit more straight forward. I\'ll give an example. You have a entity that is 10 blocks tall 10 blocks long and 10 blocks wide, and for ease of explanation lets say its core is placed like a turret on the bottom, and lets also say that...
    2. AttitudeAdjuster

      Sloped Turret docking units.

      + 1 Bump
    3. AttitudeAdjuster

      Docking for non-symmetrical entities

      I have noticed this annoyance many a time, it seems that while we can edit the x,y,z of a docking port through use of enhancers in the respective directions, there is still much dead space that will be created when non symmetrical ships and turrets are docked to an area. As the size of an entity...
    4. AttitudeAdjuster

      Some figures for Missiles.

      Im attempting to make a \"Doomsday Device\" currently stacking missiles together in 10^3 sections on a server, hopefully I can get the D1000\'s to make a 100 block hole in the ships I encounter. Something I noticed though, apparently if you don\'t increase the damage proportionally to the...