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    1. scream323

      Read by Council Suggestion: Accelerator Rails

      I thought of a new type of rail base on sci-fi media I've seen in the past. They would be a new type of rail use for both player controlled shuttles, ships, fighters, ect. The idea is that they could be used for almost anything. They could be used in a very long carriers. The idea is that you...
    2. scream323

      Crew Lua Scripting

      The possibilities for such a thing would be endless. It could be used to have a group of npcs do anything. You could have them settle system which they can recruit more npcs to your faction to help them. You could have them assign said locals to a job based on their skill. you could have it so...
    3. scream323

      Hyper Space and Hyper Space Networking

      I've had this idea for a while, but I'v decided to write it down here as an actual suggestion. The idea has already been suggested I'm also pretty sure it's already going to be an in game thing. Even so I will explain the entire as idea as if I was suggest without such prior knowledge...
    4. scream323

      War Hammer 40k Retribution Classe Battleship request

      Hey im looking for the guy who made this already and did an epic job or someone who can replicate it in a very simmilar way if the guy who made it comes forward i will do what ever you need or want i could even pay you if thats leagal i love your ship i would love a blueprint. Anyways if you...