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    1. rocketstrong

      Precursor Labs Now recruiting

      Our faction is structured differently where there are many different Squadrons under development, you can join my squad (rocketstrong) which is devoted to colonization and construction of other systems or ryanthekid22's squad which is mainly military. You can create your own squad with our...
    2. rocketstrong

      Read by Council Cores as multi block structures in larger ships

      in a larger ship cores should have to be multi-block structures for example a multi-block structure for a core could have blocks around the core and a core access block this makes it more fair as in large ships the cores are small and hard to hit this could also help give a small ship more of a...
    3. rocketstrong

      halo like boarding

      you know were the Covenant-Boarding-Craft extend a tube that grinds though the hull or wall and all the aliens walk through the tube i would like the ability to make that. my idea is that you add grinding blocks that can be used with the existing rail system that grind a hole through the enemy...