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    1. C

      Shields only absorb a Percentage of damage.

      To put it simply, shields should work by reducing damage delt to armor by a percentage. The percentage of damage negated should be remaining charge in the shield. Obviously being highest when the shield has not taken any damage. Shields should be capped to block no more than say 80% of damage...
    2. C

      New Recipes a Step in the Right Direction. But... [Maths!]

      ... it's too random and I think everyone can agree with me on that. My first proposal is that we rename Recipes to "Blueprints", cause Recipes seems kind of primitive for this game and Blueprints is easier to spell while also fitting in with the idea of factories better. My second and most...
    3. C

      Implement Server ?Sharding?

      Not sure if sharding is the right word, anyway: TLDR: Make an official server that can hosts thousands of people by distributing the processing to several machines. This should also be usable by normal servers in a couple different ways: 1. Allow completely seperate servers to connect such...
    4. C

      Hyperspace! (Similar to Minecrafts Nether)

      I noticed that one of the things that alot of players want with there fast travel is hitting physical objects resulting in death. The problem with this is that we do not want people going over the servers specified speed limit, and simulating all of those blocks for collision would require...