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    1. lordzorax

      Read by Council Forcefield Lighting / general lighting

      The forcefield slab lighting update (T883) to the dim lighting of full sized forcefield blocks has removed a very useful method of discretely illuminating large areas of ship interiors. I have noticed personally that my interiors have become a lot darker and bringing them back to the original...
    2. lordzorax

      Zorax Starship Manufacturing (STARWARS)

      Greetings puny mortals, I am Lord Zorax, builder of ships and destroyer of worlds. I build star wars replica ships and take alot of time and effort to get the details just right. All my ships are as close to scale as possible so they can all be spawned in with each other for a full lore...
    3. lordzorax

      Remove/Replace Orientation considerations

      It might just be a bug on my part, but the replace feature in advanced build mode does not take block orientation into account, so replacing blocks with slabs or wedges defaults it to a set orientation, will there be an update to allow replace filter to select an orientation?